




作品名稱 :黃河之水天Sun來

Finalists Project:Solar Energy - Derived Clean Water


Finalists Team:Membrane Magician

作品簡介:我們以一種簡單、快速、低成本、可規模化的的薄膜蒸餾純水,其驅動、操作運行簡單,因此對於國家的水資源危機,是一項很有前景的技術,並符合SDGs 目標 6、7、9、11和13。

Introduction:We have developed a simple, fast, low-cost, scalable electrostatic spray coating of low-cost carbon black and developed a thin film of distilled pure water with photothermal response, which is simple to drive, operate and run and is therefore a promising technology for the country's water crisis and meets SDGs objectives 6, 7, 9, 11 and 13.

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備註:銀獎 暨 環境部淨零轉型實踐特別獎

作品名稱 :燒包菇菇

Finalists Project:Burn Burn Der!


Finalists Team:Guardian of Mushrooms


Introduction:The present study develops an innovative biomass power generation system with a drying function. Waste heat from ORC condensation and exhaust of boiler is used to dry waste SMS, which is burned to generate electricity. The system has a power generation capacity of 175 kW, with an annual output of 13 GWh and a carbon reduction of 7,025 tons. The system achieves a thermal efficiency of 59.28%.

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作品名稱 :負碳綠電

Finalists Project:Negative Carbon green power


Finalists Team:Green Future

作品簡介:本團隊開發出能用於空氣中捕捉CO2的“可呼吸燃料電池”。此新穎電池在「過濾」空氣的過程中,會將 CO2吸附並同時轉化為電能和可再生利用的化學品,是一個低成本、高效率的最佳碳捕集與封存CCS技術方案。

Introduction:The research team developed a "breathable fuel cell" that can be used to capture carbon dioxide from the air, even though the target gas CO2 accounts for only a very small proportion of the atmosphere. In the process of "filtering" the air, this novel battery will absorb CO2 and convert it into electricity and renewable chemicals at the same time. It can not only capture CO2, but also store and reuse it, is a low-cost, high-efficiency optimal carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology solution.

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作品名稱 :茶枝培育杯

Finalists Project:Tea Seedling Pot


Finalists Team:Earl grey milk tea


Introduction:Tea-seedling Pots is based on the concept of perpetual circulation, which is suitable for the size of planting equipment, so that tea farmers can transplant mechanically and do lots of planting. The tea branches are used as container materials, and the double-layer structure is used, which contains fertilizers, so that it can completely protect the roots before transplanting, improve the survival rate, and reduce the behavior of tea seedling traders using plastic bags to raise seedlings.

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作品名稱 :海龜防護罩

Finalists Project:Pro-Turtle


Finalists Team:Mummy Turtle


Introduction:Pro-Turtle is a decomposable protective cover which provides suitable incubation temperature for turtle eggs, alleviating the problem of large number of turtle hatching failures and gender imbalance caused by climate change. Pro-Turtle is made of local bagasse, agar powder, and red algae, which has the features of anti-noise, heat insulation, and the reduction of direct sunlight. It lets the eggs hatch at the pivotal temperature, thus avoiding extinction caused by single sex.

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備註:佳作 暨 農業部農業特別獎銅獎

作品名稱 :再生鳳梨包

Finalists Project:Pinapple-box


Finalists Team:Pinapple squad


Introduction:Pineapple-box is a buffer bag and sales box that uses waste pineapple leaves and peels to regenerate the agricultural waste to protect the fruit. It has the effect of protection and buffering from planting to transportation.

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作品名稱 :竹藝復興-用設計打造臺灣竹林負碳循環經濟

Finalists Project:Bamboo Renaissance


Finalists Team:I'm not a gangster, I'm a bamboo designer


Introduction:"Bamboo Renaissance: Taiwan Bamboo Promotion Platform" is dedicated to promoting bamboo in Taiwan by replicating the business model of the successful "Bamboo Basket" OTOP and using design to drive innovation in the bamboo industry. The platform offers design, technology, and industry matchmaking services to help the bamboo industry innovate and improve, and utilizes data to showcase the benefits of bamboo products. Its establishment aims to promote the revitalization of the bamboo industry and bring about a sustainable bamboo forest carbon cycle economy for Taiwan.

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備註:佳作 暨 農業部農業特別獎銅獎

作品名稱 :HWP 都市森林-固碳量計算平台

Finalists Project:HWP Urban Forest


Finalists Team:Thousand Autumns of Cow and Fish


Introduction:By establishing the HWP Urban Forest Platform, we pursue to integrate four aspects: school, home, life, and business, as one. We aim to achieve three goals: (1) promoting the carbon sequestration benefits of harvested wood products (HWPs), (2) creating a system that is easy to estimate the carbon sequestration amount of HWPs, and (3) effectively extend the service life of wood products. Through these efforts, we hope to transform people's daily living environment into an urban forest.

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作品名稱 :開發閉迴路演算法於線纜絕緣製程 達到減少對地球衝擊之研究

Finalists Project:Develop closed-loop algorithm for cable insulation process Research to reduce the impact on the earth


Finalists Team:NTNU IE

作品簡介:以大幅度減少絕緣塑膠材料為手段, 減緩氣候變遷中溫室氣體排放,故建立此高效率之閉迴路演算法系統。 本研究核心專利技術每年可減少PVC材料達21.3噸以上,並符合SDGs目標7、9、12、13及14

Introduction:By greatly reducing insulating plastic materials, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the impact on the earth, so a low-cost closed-loop algorithm system is established. The core patented technology of this study has been proven to reduce PVC materials by more than 21.3 metric tons per year, and meets SDGs targets 7, 9, 12, 13 and 14.

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備註:佳作 暨 環境部調適能力建構特別獎

作品名稱 :來來網網

Finalists Project:Basic Vegetable Shed


Finalists Team:Pretty Girl


Introduction:Climate change and increasing water shortages have made it even more difficult to grow vegetables in areas with barren land.Basic Vegetable Shed uses basic principles to harvest moisture from areas with high humidity or high-temperature differences between day and night to grow crops. In addition, its modular design makes it easy to install, which are suitable for the planting area of various terrains, promoting opportunities for self-sufficiency.

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